Little Hero’s Highlight

Covid-19 has had it’s ripple affects throughout our community. We’ve seen this first hand not only when it comes to un-stocked shelves but thousands of employees being laid off. It has forced families all across the country to figure out a new line of work, or unfortunately to suffer the repercussions. This week we are highlighting two very little BIG Hero’s who through adversity stood tall and towered over their own circumstances. They created a wave of positivity, and it was through their act of bravery and courage that they made a difference for their families. — It’s funny how much a child can teach us, if we just listen…

In Boyle Heights, a young boy did by the name of Edgar wanted to help his father make ends meet during these tumultuous times. It was when Edgar Machic Jr.'s father lost his job due to the coronavirus pandemic, that the 8-year-old started helping his dad make a living by selling flowers on Ceasar Chavez Boulevard in Boyle Heights. At  8 years old, he recently immigrated with his father to start a new life in the US a year ago after losing his mom two years ago this April. He left behind two sisters who he insists on helping his Dad support back home in Guatemala. His Dad was offered a job but did not have a babysitter due to school shut downs, and his employer told him he was unable to bring Edgar to the job-site. Edgar overheard the conversation and suggested selling flowers to get by. He helps his Dad sell flowers DAILY. He doesn't speak English, but that doesn’t stop him!

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Edgar Machic Jr.

Here are some of his favorite things:
His favorite flowers are red roses.
He loves to work hard because "My mom worked hard selling flowers in Guatemala".
He loves pepperoni pizza and BBQ wings  (Domino's to be exact).
His favorite singer is Bad Bunny. He loves to dance (although he's shy about it).
He loves to play video games after a long day of work. His favorite game is Mario Kart.
He misses his family in Guatemala and dreams of "Making a better future for my family".

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Aaron M. @aaronsgarden

This is Aaron he is only 8 years old. He’s our other big hero! The idea of him selling plants was to help his single undocumented Mother who was struggling financially. They were up to their last $12 dollars when they invested to start his plant business. Aaron and his mom have been struggling from being homeless to shelters and bouncing from house to house and now live in a shed. He came out with the idea of selling plants and starting a business in his yard to be provider and buy his own hot Cheetos with cheese with out having to ask his mom for money.  Aaron has a 10 year old sister in Mexico living with grandma for the past 2 years. She is over there because they been struggling financially and no where to live.

These two little hero’s remind us that we must always count our blessings, not our problems. While we complain about staying home to work while our kids are coming in and out of meetings— it could be worse. This is your reminder to stay positive and to stand straight so you too can tower over your own adversities and circumstances.

To Edgar & Aaron,

You have inspired us all to do better, be better, and do more so you can do less! We are appalled that an 8 year old can move so many of us and put their own needs aside for the greater good of your family. Keep pushing & most importantly stay in school! The world needs more of you.

So what can we do to help? These boys both are young entrepreneurs who’s families can use your help. Please visit their personal GoFundMe pages here.

Aarons Garden

Edgar Machic

In addition, it is through your donations, sponsorships, and volunteering that we can continue to relief so many of these families needs. For Edgar & Aaron, they were the few that faced adversity, but for many others, it could be equally as tumultuous. From babies that need formula and diapers to families that don’t have a roof over their head. We were all hit heavy with COVID and the Casa Bella Foundation is here to help! We are here to help adults focus on their career and not have to ever worry about being on their last dollar and having their children work. It is through your donations that we are able to help families like Aaron’s. Together we can create a better future for these kids.


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